Pastoral PlaN 2024-2025 Faith for the Mission: Go and make disciples
Part 1: Personal financial stewardship
Part 2:
Stewardship for the Church
Part 3:
The Pastoral Plan: faith for the mission
Jesus said, "Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you (Matt 28:19-20). The mission of the Church is to "go". At the end of each Mass the priest announces some from of "Go... the Mass has ended..." This go is an invitation to mission and is a call for ALL the faithful.
To achieve this mission, we need to increase the resources for mission and we are focused on strengthening three areas at Holy Family: Sacraments • Discipleship/Formation • Evangelization/Outreach
Your participation in prayer, serving and giving is essential to this mission. Read below to see how you can particpate.
IMPORTANT: If you have not listened to the 3 homilies for this pastoral plan, watch the videos above to learn the foundation.
2024-2025 Parish Pastoral Plan Vision (in cooperation with the Parish Council and Finance Council) To increase sacramental participation, discipleship/formation and evangelization/outreach, for all age groups
To achieve this vision we would:
Add a second full-time priest: hopefullyFr. Athanasius
Add part-time staff members to help facilitate discipleship and evangelization: Ben Safranski and Bella Rivera
Need to increase parish giving (stewardship) to meet the financial need
This will allow us to increase:
Sacramental Participation
Mass times
Confession times
Spiritual direction
And all other sacraments and blessings
Knowledge of the faith
How to explain the faith
Bible studies
Prayer and the spiritual life
And more
Intentional outreach to:
Poor/those in need
Non-practicing Catholics
Those who have not heard the Gospel
Financial goal:
$7500 a month increase to cover a 2ndpriest part-time lay staff (this isSEPARATE from DPSC, since that goes to the diocese)
This is about a24% increaseover our current giving • Total monthly minimum goal is$40,000
Priest:The diocese sets compensation for priests
Lay Staff:This allows a modest but helpful part-time income for Ben Safranski and Bella Rivera
How you can participate: 0+ • 100 • 5 • 10
0+ : If you're currently giving 0, start giving something
100: If you're giving under $100 a month, work toward giving at least $100 a month (kids/teens can be tithing too)
5%: Work toward monthly tithe of 5%
10%: Work toward a monthly tithe of 10%
Please know that I, as your pastor, tithe 10% to our parish from what I receive. I am in this with you.
IMPORTANT GOOD NEWS: We don’t need extraordinary giving, but every parishioner to do their part. While tithing is an ideal goal, if every parishioner who is giving $0 starts giving, that will be helpful. If every parishioner with a fulltime income, and is giving less than $100 a month, gave at least $100 a month (if you’re not ready for a full tithe), we would easily meet and exceed this goal AND have room for building improvements. If you’re giving over $100 don’t reduce your giving to $100. This works if those giving over $100 continue to do so .